St. John Bananaquit
Bananaquit is a 1-bedroom apartment rental in Cruz Bay, St. John, that is listed at St. John apartments. You can stay at Bananaquit and have an easy walk into Cruz Bay. Just 8 minutes. And just around the corner from Frank Bay Beach.Click here for the complete list of St. John rental properties - - St. John Vacation Villas.
Go to Bananaquit - - Bananaquit
Weekly Rates (Includes all applicable taxes) 12/16 - 5/15 -- $1,680 - $1,750 5/16 - 7/15 -- $1,120 7/16 - 10/15 -- $1,050 10/16 - 12/15 -- $1,120 No Added Tax
To view the complete list of over 150 exceptional St. John vacation villas, houses, condos, and cottages, click on this link - -
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